
After the Horseshoe Two Fire in the Chiricahua Mountains - Rustler Park

Negative publicity abounds, here is a newspaper article that appeared about Rustler Park high in the Chiricahua Mountains and the effects of the Horseshoe Two Fire.  A reader could easily conclude that Rustler Park is gone.  But how does the mental image created by this article compare with reality?  Below is a video taken on a recent visit to Rustler Park after containment of the Horseshoe Two Fire.  Permission was granted by the Forest Service and the Horseshoe Two incident command team to visit the area where this video was captured.  A wide angle (180 degree) video camera was mounted on the hood of a Forest Service truck and left to run as a group of business people drove from Portal up to Rustler Park.  The segment of video shown below was taken on the drive out of Rustler Park and provides a neutral viewpoint of the effects of the Horseshoe Two Fire around Rustler Park.

Rustler Park Chiricahua Mountains after... by BAlvarius


  1. You captured that there was not a lot of canape burnt. Great way to share the after burn with the public.

  2. Thank you. A wide angle video camera mounted on the hood of the truck allows everyone to see for themselves the results of the fire on Rustler Park and not have to arrange special trips to see the area. They can judge for themselves from the evidence with out my filtering or conclusions.

    I saw 1.4 inches of rain recorded outside of Portal. Had a good soaking here and the frogs are out this morning.
