

Arising before sunrise has some advantages.  Frequently during the high desert's 2 rainy seasons the morning clouds take on special shapes and colors creating breath taking views.  Below are 3 images of sunrises from this past winters rainy season.  The first 2 taken at sunrise through Antelope Pass in the Peloncillo mountains of southern New Mexico.  The wispy yellow cloudscape was a pleasing way to start the day.  While the last image is the sunrise of Christmas morning 2014.  The range of color, purple through yellow, contrasting with the cloud texture from smooth to well defined clouds is especially pleasing.  Sitting in my files, I recently rediscovered these images while cleaning and wanted to pass along these awe inspiring views of sunrise in the high desert of New Mexico.

whispy clouds
Sunrise through Antelope Pass in the Peloncillo Mountains.  Note the mimetolith in the lower right corner.

Cloudscape of blue and yellow
Christmas morning cloudscape


  1. Thank you. I should clean out my files more often. I keep finding hidden treasures I had forgotten about.

  2. I wish I found such treasures in my files! I just find more old paper --- I thought this was a paperless society LOL

  3. I pretty much ignore paper unless I have to, but clearly the computer files on the hard drive need attention and organization.

  4. Thank you. I work hard to create something I think others will enjoy.

  5. Really appreciate this post. It’s hard to sort the good from the bad sometimes, but I think you’ve nailed it!
