
The New Logo for Rodeo, New Mexico's most Western Town

Rodeo has a new logo. Created by a longtime resident of southwestern New Mexico, Pat Bennett, the new logo incorporates an image found in the Rodeo Tavern with a new tagline. Rodeo, New Mexico's most western town. The tagline arises from the location of Rodeo in the San Simon Valley. Lying less than a mile from the state line it is the closest New Mexico town to Arizona. Other communities further north are listed as census districts and not towns making the community of Rodeo, New Mexico's most western town. Being so close to the Arizona border Rodeo leads a dual life. When daylight saving time comes around one must always ask whether the scheduled event is New Mexico or Arizona time. An important distinction when trying to attend events in Arizona or New Mexico.  The new logo may be found on the Rodeo New Mexico website.

New Logo for Rodeo New Mexico


The Basin Trail with the Portal Rodeo Hiking Club

The Portal Rodeo Hiking Club tackled the Basin Trail in the Chiricahua Mountains this week. The Basin trail (#246) is an easy lower elevation hike starting on Forest Service Road 42. Climbing 500’ in the first mile the trail descends for the remaining 4 miles arriving at Herb Marytr day use area. The hiking club added a side trip to Ash Springs for lunch before continuing as 2 separate groups. One group headed to Herb Marytr to pick up a car while the other group continued along the stream down to FS 42 and then back along the road past the research station to the original meeting place.  The respective distances hiked were 5+ miles and approximately 9 miles.

The forest is in good condition, all the streams were running clear, but the route passes through several areas where effects of fire were evident. With the arrival of the monsoons there is ground cover and many trees thought to be lost with the fire show evidence of new growth. A single rock rattle snake was found along the trail hiding under a small shrub along the trail. It sat quietly while photographed.  Below is a screenshot of the route taken and some of the sights along the way.  The hiking map may be found here or in the sidebar.

Basin trail and side trip to Ash Spring

Yucca with seed pods on the Basin Trail

A view south from the Basin Trail

Lunch at Ash Spring with the Portal Rodeo Hiking Club.  Chiricahua Sky Island Rodeo

is hiding behind the tree on the left.


Cave Creek Canyon Nature Trail

A dozen hikers from the  Portal Rodeo Hiking Club visited the nature trail which parallels forest service road 42 along Cave Creek in the Chiricahua Mountains and ends at Sunny Flats campground.  An easy walk along level ground, this mile long nature trail through riparian habitat is a good introduction to the Chiricahua Mountains.  After finishing the nature trail, the group proceeded up South Fork Canyon and was greeted by a male Elegant Trogon who called and followed the group for about 10 minutes.  Returning downstream the group followed the east side of the canyon through the 2 campgrounds with a total distance covered of 5 miles in the canyon.

Below is a photograph of the Elegant Trogon on a tree limb.  The enlargement does not do this beautiful bird justice and the Trogons should  be viewed in person to really appreciate this unique bird. Click on the photograph to see the full size image.  The nature trail route was added to the riparian hike map (blue line).

Elegant Trogon (center) in South Fork of Cave Creek Canyon.  Click on photograph to enlarge.


Giant Vinegaroon (Mastigoproctus giganteus)

In keeping with the interests of recent guests, the LSU arthropod museum, blogging from the bootheel presents a giant vinegaroon (Mastigoproctus giganteus).  Also known as a whiptail scorpion these archnids are not closely related to scorpions but merely resemble a scorpion.  They do not have stingers and are non-venomous but will spray acetic acid (smells like vinegar) when disturbed or threatened.  A carnivorous insect, they may reach several inches in size.  This particular specimen was found on the road in Cave Creek Canyon.

Giant Vinegaroon in Cave Creek Canyon, Chiricahua Mountains


2011 Chiricahua Peloncillo Heritage Days in Rodeo New Mexico

This years Chiricahua Peloncillo Heritage days will take place at the Chiricahua Event Center, north of Rodeo on Highway 80.  Located at the south end of Amigos del Cielo air park the event center is a new venue for the Heritage days.  As with previous Heritage days there will be 2 days of talks and the farmers market and craft fair.  Featured speakers will present on a wide range of topics all relating to the unique character of the basin and range province which include the Chiricahua and Peloncillo mountains.