
More Cave Creek Canyon Goodness

Have finished an updated version of the "Chiricahua Mountains Then and Now" which combines historic images from the Chiricahua Mountains with their modern counterparts.  The process involved locating historic photographs then relocating the spot where the original photograph was taken.  This required using Google Earth and by overlaying and aligning the historic image the original location was found.  Then several trips to each location to gather images.  The modern images were then aligned with the originals and cut together into a short video.  It may also be found on the Friends of Cave Creek Canyon Facebook page.


  1. You have done a spectacular job on this video. Capturing the pictures now and matching them to then. Great Job!

  2. Thank you. I hope it will continue to expand as more photographs become available.

  3. Is "ept" a word? I don't think so, but you'll get my meaning from the context. I am so technologically INEPT. In comparison and Balvarius doing this photograph comparison, he is REALLY ept!!

  4. Thank you Pat. It is nice to be ept even on days when I'm digging trenches by hand for internet lines on the property.
